Monday, February 13, 2017

Pleading for Advice

Dear Mr. KnowItAll,

                I am having a problem with this associate of mine. He seems to be throwing some type of tantrum in response to someone's bad judgment upon him. I have previously been informed that you have the answer to EVERYTHING. But for you to understand what is going on, I'll have to tell you from the beginning.
                So, my associate, Jefferson is currently on death row for a crime he did not commit. During his trial, his lawyer tried his best to make Jefferson seem as uneducated as possible. He even took it so far as to where he compared Jefferson to a wild animal and constantly referred to him as a "hog". No one really came to Jefferson's defense, not even his dear old aunt! As a result to this, he has not been acting like himself lately. It seems as if he has given up on life and at least fixing his reputation before he dies. I guess if I were in his shoes I'd feel the same too.
                 Jefferson has not eaten anything for the past couple of days or spoken one word. Today was different though. He asked for corn because he says it's what hogs eat and began rummaging through the bag of food I'd brought for him. People already saw him as a wild animal and at that moment he portrayed himself as one. Though, I know he is only acting out because of the predicament he is in, I am not sure how to handle this. Do I continur to try to help him or just let him be? Can you help me? Please Mr. KnowItAll,  PLEASE?

                                       Sincerely, Grant

Thursday, January 19, 2017

"I Have A Dream" Rhetorical Analysis

         Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used several examples of figurative language in the writing of his "I Have A Dream"  speech. One of these examples is repetition. Dr.King repeatedly used the phrase "one hundred years later" in the beginning of his speech to emphasize that no change has been made in the years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. He also uses metaphors and similes. An example of an metaphor would be when he stated "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." Dr.King is trying to get the people to accomplish their dreams of being free without being violent and having hatred in their hearts. A simile he used is ".. and will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a might stream." The effect of using these rhetorical devices gives off the tone Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is displaying in his speech. Dr. King's tone seemed to be very motivating, serious, and influential. 

       Pathos is another rhetorical device Dr.King used in his speech. This is used to appeal to the emotions. One example of this was when he stated "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." Dr.King is trying to get the people to understand that they should not just their wants to have freedom just solely on their emotions. Another example of pathos is when Dr. King said "We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality."  This appeals to emotions because  it is talking about the African American people's satisfaction about police brutality, they will never be happy with it. There are many different examples of pathos being used within this speech to try and relate to the feelings of the people. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #7

1.) Have you ever done something you regretted doing? If so, explain.

2.) Would you have shot your commander if you were in Kien's situation?

3.) What does the quote," the sorrow of war inside a soldier's heart was in a strange way similar to the sorrow of love", mean to you?

4.) What was Kien's reaction to be told that he was sleeping next to a dead body?

5.) Why did Kien all of a sudden feel reborn again?

6.) Why do you think Kien started to believe in ghosts?

7.) What made Kien feel unbalanced?

8.) How do you think writing helped Kien after the war?

9.) Describe how Kien felt about the war.

10.) Pg.87 What does Kien mean when he says everything seemed to change?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #5

1.) Yes indeed, I do believe that some parents, not all, pressure their children to achieve. I believe this because although the parents may want their children to do one thing, the children may have set different goals for or have different thoughts about it. An example of this would be parents pressuring their children to go to college. The children probably do not want to go to college, but because of their parents, they feel like they have to. Then, when they get to college and start failing, they will most likely just drop out. All of this could have been avoided if the parents would have just listened to their children, and let them choose what they wanted to do with their lives.
2.) Children often engage in several conflicts with their parents growing up. Some of these conflicts could be about little things such as chores, curfew, and punishments. Others could be about more important subjects like money, education, time, etc.
3.) Everyone has the right to the American Dream; therefore, anyone can be anything he or she wants to be in life. All it takes is time and dedication. In the end, it will all be worth it.
4.) All conflicts do not have winners. Some conflicts do result in a winner or loser, while others do not. For instance, there would not be a winner in an internal conflict, the person would just have to do the right thing in the situation. Though, there could sometimes be a winner in an external conflict someone is facing. It just depends on the conflict itself.
5.) The relationship I have with my parents is very different from the relationships children in China have with their parents. My parents are not as strict towards me and they also do not spank me. They allow me to be myself. If I do not agree with something they want me to do, I have that choice to not do it. Whereas the children in China, do not have that choice. Whatever their parents say, goes.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #3

                                       A Herculean Task Summary
          In October of 2007, a freak windstorm passed through the main equestrian-access trail in Oregon, which led to the PCT and the Three Sisters Wilderness Area. The storm blew down many trees along the trail on the west side of the cascade. Approximately 1.5-miles of the trail was ruined with nearly 400 fallen and uprooted trees. Wayne Chevalier, Trail Crew Supervisor for the Mckenzie River Range district of Oregon's Willamette National forest, was assigned to remove the logs from the trails. He turned the clean-up process into an event to also help other people. It was a big success.

Interesting Detail: They finished the entire thing in only 60 days!

One Fact: In 2009, the PCTA renewed its "memorandum of understanding" with the U.S Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management and California State Parks.

My Question: Have there been any other major incidents along the trail since this one?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Blog Post Assignment #2

Since my learning of the proper ways to write an essay, I've noticed that in some areas I am wrong. I am mostly struggling with my usage of the word "you" in various parts of my writings. In an informal essay, it would be okay to use it as much because I am informing someone of how to do something or stating something to that person. Yet, in a formal essay, the correct way to approach a topic, would be to state things in general. Such as by using words like "one" or "he or she" without directlyplan ting it toward on person. I plan to get better at this by inserting different words in place of the word "you" that could be written for a general audience. In other words, I am over all a pretty good writer. My writings provide many important details about the main topics that I discuss. The structures of my writings are well thought out and my transitions are well executed. With time and dedication, I will only progress.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Hey everyone, my name is Allayia Brown. I am very antisocial and mostly keep to myself. The few people I do associate with know that I am a very outspoken, goofy, and chill person. For fun, I like to sing, write, and listen to music. Music has always played a major role in my life growing up. When I was younger, I used to want to be a singer. My favorite and most beloved entertainer is Michael Jackson. I have to at least listen to a song, watch a video, or look at a picture of his on a daily basis. To this day, I still dream of visiting the Neverland Ranch. Now that I am older, I've come across a different occupation that I would like to pursue, other than singing. After graduating from college, I want to be a pharmacist. Though science isn't really my strongest area of work, there's something in me that just won't let me get pass the thought of being a pharmacist. I feel as if it's what I am meant to do and I know that I'm going to have to work hard in order for that to happen. With that being said, hopefully the teachers at B.C Rain high school can help me get prepared for what ever my future may hold.