Monday, February 13, 2017

Pleading for Advice

Dear Mr. KnowItAll,

                I am having a problem with this associate of mine. He seems to be throwing some type of tantrum in response to someone's bad judgment upon him. I have previously been informed that you have the answer to EVERYTHING. But for you to understand what is going on, I'll have to tell you from the beginning.
                So, my associate, Jefferson is currently on death row for a crime he did not commit. During his trial, his lawyer tried his best to make Jefferson seem as uneducated as possible. He even took it so far as to where he compared Jefferson to a wild animal and constantly referred to him as a "hog". No one really came to Jefferson's defense, not even his dear old aunt! As a result to this, he has not been acting like himself lately. It seems as if he has given up on life and at least fixing his reputation before he dies. I guess if I were in his shoes I'd feel the same too.
                 Jefferson has not eaten anything for the past couple of days or spoken one word. Today was different though. He asked for corn because he says it's what hogs eat and began rummaging through the bag of food I'd brought for him. People already saw him as a wild animal and at that moment he portrayed himself as one. Though, I know he is only acting out because of the predicament he is in, I am not sure how to handle this. Do I continur to try to help him or just let him be? Can you help me? Please Mr. KnowItAll,  PLEASE?

                                       Sincerely, Grant


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  3. Well,Grant, I can't necessarily say that I completely understand your situation, but I can offer a bit of my advice. It seems as if you don't honestly want to do this. Normally, I would say follow whatever it is that you feel, but in your predicament, I say, help him. Let him know that you are on his side. Tell him that his life means something and that he has served his purpose here. Teach him about God and tell him that if this is how it ends, then this is how God wanted it. Let him know that there are people that care about him. Teach him that he is only a man if HE feels like one, and that once he feels like a man, no one can take that from him. Jefferson seems to be a lost soul, he just needs a bit of guidance. Just do whatever you can and offer him as much of your knowledge as possible. Help him to find himself so that he can die a man of sense and not a hog lacking knowledge. Think about how you would feel if you were in Jefferson's shoes and what you would want to be told.
    -Mr. KnowItAll
